Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Camp Cafeteria

Now, the camp cafeteria was a totally different story from the camp lake. It's food made me think my mom's was cake. Luckily, they had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. So on more then one occasion I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my meal.

There were pitchers of water lemonade/juice on the table. If there was still water in the pitcher they would leave it on the table for the next group who sat there. To me, I think that's kind of gross.
Then there was KP duty. For some of you who don't know what KP duty is, I'll explain. Each group had to scrape food of dishes for 45 minutes until the next group was ready to do their shift. Thankfully, we only had to do this once.
I had fun but I am still glad to be back home.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you don't go just for the food!! The teen camp that we used to do at Mr Graham-now there was some great camp food-I think everyone looked forward to that. Marilyn Patterson and Bunny-man could they cook!!