Wednesday, January 28, 2009

June Bugg

My puppy is one of the highest jumping dogs I have ever seen! She will jump for treats, toys,bones, food, the list goes on and on. June Bugg will especially jump if she wants the same toy jasmine (my other dog) does and will try to get it before her. I figured out that she will not jump as much or as high when you are video taping her, but I tried my best. Here are the best videos out of many that weren't so good.


(P.S. Junie looks black in the videos but is actually brindle.)


Anonymous said...

Faith-great videos! Did you use one of the others video cameras? June Bug is so cute! Good to see Jazzie too. Thanks, honey! Keep going-I love to see your blog!

JonesGardenBlog said...

Sorry, but I JUST saw these. I had given up hope that you would ever blog again!

Glad to see you still throw a post up every now and again.

Take care of them dogs!